Wall of Badass

Here are them awesome faces that donated $5.00 or more to our studio fundraiser! Multiple faces = multiple donations!

-shane!"I couldn't think of a quote."
A Dudeist Priest"Ralf D. is a giant cunt. <3"
A Dudeist Priest"Ralf D. is a giant cunt. <3"
A Dudeist Priest"Ralf D. is a giant cunt. <3"
A teletubby"cuz I'm a badass!"
Aaron Bray"I had a sandwich in my head"
Aaron Pally"Be prepared. Things are only going to get worse."
Aaron VanDuynhoven"I know not what I do."
Adam "The Bod" Brenner""He's my best friend!" - The President (Citation Needed)"
Aidos von Sexyman"Where are my pants?"
Airiq"Expect nothing and be disappointed no mo"
Airtaco"Give a taco, take a taco!"
Airtaco"Give a taco, take a taco!"
Airtaco"Give a taco, take a taco!"
Akane Hoshi"Marlort ftw"
Alex Heydorn"Let's get this terrible party started!"
Alexander Schweitzer"The Thunderstriking Poserviking feasts on beer, pizza and poseur souls"
Andrea K."Shakeweight Times 8"
Andrew Cockshoot"Pluh"
Andrew Spedden"Aye girl! let me Squirtle on them Jigglypuffs! Meow."
Andri Sigfusson"It's not About The Money, It's About Making Awesome Music!"
Andri Sigfusson"It's not About The Money, It's About Making Awesome Music!"
Andri Sigfusson"It's not About The Money, It's About Making Awesome Music!"
Anthony D"Gotta catch 'em all"
Anthony Seitz"I have more fun than you."
Arri Sharp-Shooter"Points! Hot Points!"
Arsynical"Onward to Contingency!"
Assclown"Forget Badass, i've got a ClownAss"
Asylumjim""It's all about the soul asshole""
Auntie J"Sleep is for Commies! And you don't want to be a Commie."
Austin DirtStorm"What the F@&# !!! The Monkeys here took all the TACOS??"
Aziels"What the world needs now is more Pyschostick."
Badass_Woogle"Our Badassfaces emoticons is badass! :D"
Badass_Woogle"Our Badassfaces emoticons is badass! :D"
Ben"This is not a quote, it's a baguette."
Ben"This is not a quote, it's a baguette."
Ben"This is not a quote, it's a baguette."
Ben "Major Tool" Colin"Marine, Combat Veteran, Woman Chaser, Booze Hound, Engineer. What are you [insertnamehere]?"
Benny"If you don't have a beer, you have nothing to drink."
Bichi"Eat me my Gaza Strip"
Big J
Big Steve"I don't make copies, I'm the boss. Got it? I make originals."
Blamberblerdarsterson"Why yes, I am in my bathrob."
BlitzThunderWolf"Contributes to greatness"
Blue"This is my best chance of getting laid!"
Bobby Ray"I couldn't think of a quote."
Bobby Walsh"If only I could be so grossly incandescent"
bonez8"faster till the thrill of speed over comes the fear of death"
BoTor"Someone crapped my pants."
Boyka & Raf"We are dogs and we want noms"
Boyka & Raf"We are dogs and we want noms"
Brandon"I'm here to party!!!"
Braxton McDonald"[This is a clever quote]"
Brett "BearSlayer" Shirley"I will turkeybaster your seed out of your lovesack."
Brian Jones"is too METAL"
Brian M"Where does Psychostick go during hurricanes?"
Brian Miville"This is not a quote it's a sandwich!"
Brock Patten"I love boobies"
Bryan"Psychostick's Psexiest Psuperfan"
Bryce "KEWB" Moore"I am just far too metal for my own good."
Burgertank"Destroy your hunger with Burgertank!"
Burgertank"Destroy your hunger with Burgertank!"
BurnedBananaBread"Perfect Guy? He's still in the friend zone where you left him."
C.J. the D.J."I came for the jokes and stayed for the waffles!"
C.J., FOOL"I'm from the streets, bitch."
Caleb Turner"The cheese is always twice the fencepost."
Callahan The Bearded"Dicks dicks dicks dicks dicks dicks dicks dicks"
Cap'n Jay"YAARRRRG... What be this newfangled tomfoolery and where be the wenches?!?"
Captain Awesome"Sweep the leg!!"
Carlthemosher"Rub your nipples... WITH A BEARD! :D"
Carlthemosher"Rub your nipples... WITH A BEARD! :D"
Carrie "Stiletto Draculust" Rogers"I hit like a girl...a girl that can kick your ass"
Carter Fulford"This is what I would like under my name"
Chase The Bass"Music Man > Warwick, take that Matty. Haha"
Chipper Chip"You guys ROCK! "
Chivahn W"Your mouth says no, but your butt says yes."
Chizadness madness"Give in to the Stick"
chris"seriously where do squirrels go during hurricanes"
Chris "Charlie Brown" Perry"The Greatest Band ... Ever!"
Chris Beardsley"Sometimes it's not easy being this beardlicious. Usually is though."
Chris C."who farted?"
Chris Cameron"I'm the god damn Batman"
Chris Cameron"I'm the god damn Batman"
Chris T."mmmmmm BACON!"
Chuck"I warned you..."
ChumbleSpuzz"Sometimes it is better to light a flamethrower than curse the darkness."
CJKendle"Baptize me in phencyclidine."
CJKendle"Baptize me in phencyclidine."
Clint O"Fear the Green!"
Cody Face"I'd shave my head for a Klondike Bar."
Colter Combe"I'd Rather Die On My Feet Than Live On My Knees"
Craig"Matt + booze + Philly Club Polaris = concussed! Witness!"
Craig W."Beer is good.. And stuff !!!!"
Damon"Pushes buttons, things happen."
Dan Rainone"Times are hard and so am I."
Daniel"This is not a quote, it's a sandwich"
Daniel"I like Country music like I like coffee. I don't like coffee."
Daniel Mittens Ruff"I Am Mittens. Psychostick R Gud!"
Danny Gaertner"Music cannot die!"
Dannydaman9"Lets use a famicom whilst on a period blood microwave. IT'S FUN!!!"
Dannydaman9"Lets use a famicom whilst on a period blood microwave. IT'S FUN!!!"
Dave Davis"Abbey something; Abbey Normal"
David "Joo" Horvitz"Chicks dig cable"
David Richardson"Sombrero Dave"
David Richardson"Sombrero Dave"
David Richardson"Sombrero Dave"
David Richardson"Sombrero Dave"
David Richardson"Sombrero Dave"
dAyV"Go for the gusto, or don't go at all"
Dblock"well I donated"
DD McGee"I want a dad made out of ninja robots!"
Deanpool Gamble"If Buzz doesn't know he's a toy, why does he stand still when Andy enters the room?"
Derek Boeckelmann
Devin Parkko"EXPLOSION NOISE... HERE!!!"
Devin S"I am not nearly badass enough for this"
Devon Bertsch"Not So Badass"
Dick Nipz"I queef all the time eggplant aubergine draggy droppy desktoppy fag enabler"
Dillon MacDonald"Halt I am Reptar!!"
DJ Hess"this motherfucker got the sombrero"
DLC"be yourself fkr"
Doctor Neuro"La que corra menos que yo, que se de por follada"
doctorK"It's shower time, you bitches"
Don't care"Just want a hoodie"
Dougal"I am staring...at you."
Dr. Payne"A day without sunshine is like, you know, night."
Dr. Professor Ryan Esq III"ITS A TRAP!"
Dracula"What is a man? A miserable little pile of secrets!"
Dread Pirate Vane"Aaaarrrrrrr!!! This is the Alestorm wall, isn't it?"
Drew"Everybody do the Daniel Bryan!"
Drew"Everybody do the Daniel Bryan!"
Drew"Everybody do the Daniel Bryan!"
Drew G."Without music, life would be a mistake. Now where is my beer?!"
E. Thrasher"I've got like thirty different colors on. Definitely evil."
Edgar Oshs"All hail the beard!"
Edward Hyer, Dane of Imaginationland"Rawrb hates me for my donation. Malört anyone?...I LOVE THE STUPID! (???)"
eightyproof"Fuck the studio off and tour australia"
El-Cheno Meirovich"What time is it? IT'S BEER."
El_Smasho"Psychostick make earpussies yearn for the aural"
Emiel"Probably the only Dutch guy drunk enough to donate"
EMU"I supported Psychostick and all I got was this lousy Wall of Badass"
End-i"What are you looking at?"
Entheiligt"Get out"
Eric Calhoun"You guys do what few can... make people rock and laugh at once!"
Eric Evans"The METAL!!! It fuels my body meats!"
Eric Sutch"I forgot how to keyboard."
Eric the Bald!"Matty touched me like an altar boy."
Erik B Johnsrød"It's a special kind of love"
ernieee"Get more fans, sell more merch, come to Europe, get wasted!"
Erwin "Shades" Kiekens"With great beard, comes great responsibility."
Ethan Chandler"Do UGP? Cuz IGP! I want to Metal!"
Evan"Can you guys put this shitty photo on your awesome website"
Evan"Can you guys put this shitty photo on your awesome website"
Evan S, Professional Taco Zombie""Achievement Unlocked: Wall of Badass 3.14G""
Evolblood"What is it, your period?"
Father Peter McFeely"Dead girls never say no."
Fedd of Fedditia"Do not mix Jager with almond milk"
FlaK_MoNKeY"Are you stupid or a carrot?!"
Flying J"Yes. I am badass."
G Man, Bitch!"So awesome, I'll make your eyes bleed"
GAHINGABALLJONES"Basketball Jones, I gotta Basketball Jones, I gotta Basketball Jones"
Gerard"I <3 U (because boobs!)"
Gothic Wing Gothic Wing"Pika! Pika! :D Pika! Pika! :D"
Gothic Wing Gothic Wing"Pika! Pika! :D Pika! Pika! :D"
grgrsmth"Removing all the vowels from your name? That's pretty badass."
Gridiron Records"We will always love yooooouuuuu, ohhhh!"
Grief Machine"Look into the eyes of an ice cold killer"
Guale "Wally" Hovden"I'm the Evil Midnite Shitter What Shits at Midnite! YEAH BABY YEAH!"
Guale "Wally" Hovden"I'm the Evil Midnite Shitter What Shits at Midnite! YEAH BABY YEAH!"
guicaps"beer caps is my hobbies and your music"
Gus Macqueen"I'm still waiting for Psychostick underwear."
HangingBunny"I'll burn this world down for a decent cup of coffee."
Headphonez"Penguins can't fly, I can't fly. Therefore, I am a Penguin."
Hellsquids, Intl."Anything is possible, but most things are stupid."
His High Holiness, Lord Over All That He Surveys, Admiral Brian"Don't even try, I'm just that good."
hmfwic"i pay for psychosticks stuff because i'm not pirate. oh wait!!"
hmfwic"i pay for psychosticks stuff because i'm not pirate. oh wait!!"
Hugh Janis"I think the name is self explanatory...."
Ian Zanni"One time my mom forgot me in a parking lot"
Im So Hood"Battled a hurd of ninjas to donate this money"
Immoral Use of Zombies"How to take advantage of the zombie apocalypse high-roller style"
Inhale the Heavy"Sometimes fast. Sometimes slow. Always goddamn loud."
jAbMaN"I live by the pizza and I'll die for the pizza!!!"
Jack Cass"You cannot contain my awesomeness in twelve words"
Jack Price"Just imagine I wrote something cool here, it’s funnier that way."
Jack Price"Just imagine I wrote something cool here, it’s funnier that way."
Jade Ball"Fuck yeah!! This is not a guy it's a SANDWICH"
Jake""Likes the taste of steel.""
Jake Myers"It ain't easy being cheesy."
Jake R."If I could have dinner with anyone dead or alive, I'd pick alive."
Jake Rabin"See Mom, I told you I'm a Badass!"
James A. Milner"In the name of Psychostick, have a taco!"
James Hinton"You must obey the beard, why because boobs"
Jamie G"I came. I saw. I used my beard. It was epic."
Jason Ryan"Because, Badass"
Jay D."Respect the beard!"
Jay Why"You can't blame me for trying, but you can ridicule me for failing."
Jeff"Rippin it up with a (small) beard"
Jeff (Thor) Fite"Oh."
Jeff the Caffeinated Metalhead"Crank it to 11 and rock out!"
Jenni T"Live shows are heavy, Fuck yeah, we're at a concert!"
Jenny B"Holy old school, batman!"
Jeremy"If something's hard to do, then it's not worth doing."
Jeremy"If something's hard to do, then it's not worth doing."
Jeremy C."Power of the Camel!"
Jeremy Edge"Trigger Digit from Nashville loves Psychostick!"
Jeremy John"Go check out my band LAST BATTLE"
Jeremy the Loaf"Ah Piss."
Jesper Boo"Sweden! Has a beard.. And meatballs too!"
Jesse Boyles"The is not a quote, it's a sandwich!"
Jesse Hahn"It's a newborn baby mango."
Jesse J. (EXIIPlays)"You are the best! Keep up the awesome work!"
Jewels"Keep o kickin'!"
Jim Colquhoun"You guys are fucking awesome. Glad I could help the dumb continue. \m/"
Jimbo Peeps"Wall of Badass photo caption?"
Jimmy Taco"Furry lips make for happy nips."
Joe"Take what you want from life because it will give you nothing."
Joe Maloney"I Couldn't Think Of A Quote"
Joe P."Damn the oppression"
Joe P."Damn the oppression"
Joe Walters"Flourine uranium carbon potassium bismuth technetium helium sulfur, germanium thulium oxygen neon-yttrium!"
Joe Zieminski"When life gives you lemonade, make urine!"
Joey Z Nikolet Nohbdy"Hail Lucipurr and listen to deathmeowtal. CATS ARE GOOD. CATS ARE GOOD. CATS ARE GOOD... AND STUFF."
Joey Z Nikolet Nohbdy"Hail Lucipurr and listen to deathmeowtal. CATS ARE GOOD. CATS ARE GOOD. CATS ARE GOOD... AND STUFF."
John Baumeister"Follow me @slakker9 and be mildly amused."
John Crowell"Happy Birthday Booher!"
John McCallom"Rice cakes are not real food."
John Schober"METAAAAAAL \m/"
Jon"I like my coffee how I like my women, without a penis."
Jónas A."Yes, I'd appreciate a taco."
Jónas A."Yes, I'd appreciate a taco."
Jordan Sewell"Best nachos in town"
Joseph (Joh) Bucci"My Earth monies have made this monstrosity possible! GROVEL AT MY NUBS!"
josh brown
Josh Hajek"\m/ {'_'} \m/"
Josh.M"I <3 Psychostick"
Joshua Arendt"Long live the Stick! Keelah Se'lai!"
joshua gress""thats brutal""
Joshua Kelley"I am on the Wall of Badass!"
Julian Steinhögl"I really like this band. Why would that even be a thing?"
Jürgen N."Badassitude is strong within this one."
Just Jay
Justin"If tacos were money, I still wouldn't have any money."
Justin Swanson"Creative solutions to stupid problems™"
Kaihne"Just a listener."
Kaine Hunter"I play bass. It's like playing guitar, only it's actually cool."
Kalvin Goodlow"Eat Metal. Shit lightning!"
Karina Boudreaux"What if the world was made of glazed doughnuts?"
Kas van Dwijk"Kutreet."
Kedia Blitzbuckler"BaaAaAaAaAaaa"
Kellen B.""I fart in your general direction!" - French Guy"
Kellen B.""I fart in your general direction!" - French Guy"
Kelly"Sorry Lindsay, Matt Moore is ALL MINE!"
kepano"I'm a badass"
Kevin L."Who am I, where am I, where are my tacos?"
Kevin Moore"If at first you don't succeed, don't put your dick in it."
KingBenny"Look I am famous !"
KirbyPoo"Metal just got Gay - IWABO"
kmosby kmosby"Smell my fingers"
KornerLAM"Because boobs :D"
Kraytos"Prepare to DIE"
krew08"Give me all your cookies."
Kyle Hussett"caaaan i have da p0osi bawss? b0ss, pls, i have a cancer"
Kyle L"Ready to go TACO HUNTING???"
KYOKTYS"Download our EP for free on bandcamp! Thanks guys, see you soon!"
Landvogt Landvogt"Scheiße ja! Scheisse ja!"
Larry"All your beards are belong to us"
Larsenic"Old Stool to the Bone!"
Laura"You're pretty when I'm drunk!"
Le_Dutchy"Being Psycho For Life Because Of A Stick. BEARD."
Libby S."Dogs love socks, I love Psychostick!"
Linus"Dont stand there with yer beard stuck in the mailbox!"
Linus"Dont stand there with yer beard stuck in the mailbox!"
Literally Hitler"I support this band."
LOKI"Thatll buff out!"
MacroPheliac"He died as he lived: A virgin."
Mana"Bugatti Bitchez"
Maniak Pat"I'm So Badass my Proctologist won't even talk to me. "
Marcus "El Dorko" Blando""Yes I would like a Taco.""
Mark & Christy"“Someone buy Rawrb some real pants!”"
Mark & Christy"“Someone buy Rawrb some real pants!”"
Mark Surprenant"i heart Psychostick, vaginas, tacos, pizza, beer and boobs!"
Marvin"First, I would like thank you for having me here, it's very"
Matt E. (Jay Moose)"Well, you are what you eat, right? That makes me a pussy."
Matt M"I call dibs on Lindsey Stirling"
Matt M"I call dibs on Lindsey Stirling"
Matt M"I call dibs on Lindsey Stirling"
Matt Moore"I got dibs on Lindsey Stirling."
Matt Raboin"Faster, faster, until the thrill of speed overcomes the fear of death."
Matt The Ginger"I'm gonna steal your soul!"
Matthew D.
Matthew P
Matty B"He card read good"
Max Power"This is not a quote its a sandwich!"
Max Power"This is not a quote its a sandwich!"
Maycock"A beard is for life not just for Christmas."
Mean_bob"All you need in life is Beer Beards Boobs and Stuff"
Mean_bob"All you need in life is Beer Beards Boobs and Stuff"
Mean_bob"All you need in life is Beer Beards Boobs and Stuff"
Metalhead Frank"Schizophrenia: Beats Dining Alone!"
Metalpasta"Now my fashion sense is just as dead as Alex. Thanks Psychostick!"
Michael Caterino"LONG LIVE THE STICK!!!"
Michael Danger H"I AM AWESOM AND I WANT A TACO!!!!"
Michael Loucks Moogale"Who the fuck farted Vultures displaying flowers"
MICHEAL HATCHETT"Little Bahbie Dovahkiin & I. Overwhelming Badassery. "
Mike W"This wall tastes funny."
Mike W"This wall tastes funny."
MindlessManc"My beard is more awesome than your beard"
Minstrik"I enjoy pie."
Mister K"Is it wrong that I was totally aroused by that?"
Mordessa"I couldn't think of a quote."
Morse"Half Man, Half Horse"
Moses"I was a badass once. ONCE."
Mr Meccano"I meant to behave but there were too many other options. "
Mr Meccano "I meant to behave but there were too many other options."
Mr. Baldtastic"No anger. No peace. Only bald."
Mr. Floral Cup"I'm the reason Santa has a naughty list."
Mr. Floral Cup"I'm the reason Santa has a naughty list."
Mr. Master Nathan"NATE! NATE! NATE! (x8)"
Mr. Master Nathan"NATE! NATE! NATE! (x8)"
Mr. Steven"I am all that is man"
Nancy"I approve of this band!"
Nancy"I approve of this band!"
Nat"My advice to you is to start drinking heavily."
Nate Nash"And God said, "Let there be tacos," and there were tacos."
Nate Runk"Great, now I'm dead."
Nathan Davenport"When you're losing control of life, stop and check your brake fluid."
Nick"They call me...Potassium Jackson"
Nick "Iron Man" Stark"HELL YEAH I want a taco! HELL YEAH I want a taco!"
Nick ”The Beard” Belyung"To everyone on this wall, Psychostick and to Bruce Campbell, CHEERS!"
Nick ”The Beard” Belyung"To everyone on this wall, Psychostick and to Bruce Campbell, CHEERS!"
Nick ”The Beard” Belyung"To everyone on this wall, Psychostick and to Bruce Campbell, CHEERS!"
Nick ”The Beard” Belyung"To everyone on this wall, Psychostick and to Bruce Campbell, CHEERS!"
Nick ”The Beard” Belyung"o everyone on this wall, Psychostick and to Bruce Campbell, CHEERS!"
Nick ”The Beard” Belyung"To everyone on this wall, Psychostick and to Bruce Campbell, CHEERS!"
Nick ”The Beard” Belyung"To everyone on this wall, Psychostick and to Bruce Campbell, CHEERS!"
Nick ”The Beard” Belyung"To everyone on this wall, Psychostick and to Bruce Campbell, CHEERS!"
Nick ”The Beard” Belyung"To everyone on this wall, Psychostick and to Bruce Campbell, CHEERS!"
Nick ”The Beard” Belyung"To everyone on this wall, Psychostick and to Bruce Campbell, CHEERS!"
Nicky "The Master" Rincon"I AM METAL <3"
Nicookie"All my friends are beer."
Nicookie"All my friends are beer."
Niko Kiljunen"This quote is sandwich"
Noah Studier"I like hockey."
Nonner"I didn't choose the thug life...the thug life chose me"
Nurse Nick"Here to save your ass, not kiss it!"
oeddn"Machete don't text."
Onion Rings"Salad Bar"
Paco Destructo"Good, Bad, I'm the guy in a pig suit"
Paranoid"These pretzels are making me thirsty!"
Patient6"If you add water nothing will happen."
Patrick Winrar"Ultimate badass mode activated! Winrar"
Paul"I like Eels. I like Love. I like Eels of Love."
Pecca"My motorcycle says "POTATO"."
Pestbarn"Are we getting pizza? Don't mean to change the subject, but are we?"
Pete"Señior Pedro wants tacos more than you!"
Pete The Loser"I just wanna give you all a coke and a smile"
Pete The Loser"I just wanna give you all a coke and a smile"
Pete The Loser"I just wanna give you all a coke and a smile"
Pete The Loser"I just wanna give you all a coke and a smile"
Peteretepeter"I sneezed. it was green. I sneezed again. I... er... What?"
Petey"I Encompass and I Eclipse"
Piney Juggalo"Reppin' tha Hatchet and tha STICK!!! Whoop Whoop!!"
Po Rogers"My mom went dumb for christmas and I love her for that"
Pompa Pompa"Iam making perfect sense, you're just not keeping up!"
Porkchopp"Guiness and bacon. Lifes food"
President Skroob"Surely, you can't be serious!"
Professor Ian"Hello there. Are you a Boy? Or a Girl?"
Psychoperser"Psychostick sucks! Don’t listen to them!"
Psychostick Mastering Guy"Affordable Audio Mastering.com"
Pwei F'n Morrisey"P *IS* the best letter of the whole alphabet!"
Pwei F'n Morrisey"P *IS* the best letter of the whole alphabet!"
R-Murder"Murkrows gonna murk you"
Rae Ann"Love bites but I bite harder."
Ralph the Retarded Hand Puppet"I like bananas!"
Rawrb"I'm a bitch!"
Ray Bowers"What are you gonna do, stab me?"
Rex Rocker"Only my sofa pulls out"
Rhys Rector, The"Fatter, Metal-er, more Badasser-er than the previous model!"
Richard"Tis not a lyrical medley, 'tis the contrivance of Earl of Sandwich"
Rik Kent"Go Team Venture!!!"
Rob Blakey"Forgiveness is divine, but never pay full price for late pizza"
Robbie Buchanan"The man with that pan"
Robot Dance Bunny"My teammates hugged the zombies.."
Ross!"Yes, I play League of Legends. My name is ExoplanetRoss"
Rushalt"Cats Suck"
Russell "Mickey" McFaul"Hail to the King Baby"
Russell W Davidson II"War never changes. "
Ryan '211' Smith"You never go ass to mouth!"
Ryan Backlin"It's kind of like, "balls on cherry stone.""
Ryan Burton's beard"This wall cannot hold all of my badassery."
Ryan Partridge"I wish I had a beard I don't always donate, but when I do..."
Ryanite Whitwell"Where there's a beard there's a way"
Ryanite Whitwell"Where there's a beard there's a way"
Sam CP"Surrrrrrrrrendaaaaa...maybe?"
Sam I am Duckeye"Being on this wall makes stuff fly out my midsection."
Sara W"This message is irrelevant, please ignore it."
Scott Brown"Light it up and Let it BURN!"
Sean (Tobi) Bentley"Stop Dreaming, Start Doing"
Sean T. Wash"Suck it, Zak and Devin!"
seriara"Because Boobs"
ShadowFox"Death or glory! Either way, it'll be a different tomorrow."
Shaylarz"Yankees suck, figure it out."
Sheepy Troels"Touch my hair! It doesn't bite! Unless I tell it to..."
Shotty The Uncasted"To The person who has my cast, shoveit up your ass"
Sid B"What's with the knife, we havin' cake or something?"
Sillyzombie666"Of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most"
Sir Zach Of Dunham"It enjoy a nice pair of slacks. And beer. Yummy beer."
Skip this perk"have a beer instead :p"
skizzle mcdizzle"I am noosa"
Skyler "Gingerbeard" Cless"Skyler Cless, I put the S in Success"
Slayer "Ryan" Hames"I'd stab that."
Smiley Joe"Anyplace is good so long as theres sausage and bitches!"
Smoopty"His metallic skin split to reveal an endless furnace of blistering HATE."
Some1"Jesus loves you!"
Some1"Jesus loves you!"
SomePoorSap"All your base are belong to us"
Sonaford"Randy Quaid"
SonicCloud"Bafoy Ahhh Bafoy"
Spyro The Dragon
SSDDR"Bees are on the what now?"
stateofmind ent.
Stefan Floyhar"Do I want a taco? Hell muthafuckin yeah!!!"
Stephen"Never put a sock in a toaster."
Steve"I paid $40 for this?"
Steve B."Go pluh yourself"
Steven H"Wall of Badass? More like Wall of BUTT-ASS!"
Steven Sattler"Pluh!"
Stewie Heiler"WAAAAAGH!!!"
Striker"I'm retarded, not stupid, there's a difference"
Striker"I'm retarded, not stupid, there's a difference"
Striker"I'm retarded, not stupid, there's a difference"
Super Stud 666""I'm so hot that I have sweet grill marks""
Svein K. Rasmussen"Going to McDonald's for a salad is like going to a prostitute for a hug."
T-roy"aint nutton el do jerk off a pony.."
T.J. "Chugs" Denzer"Like that guy who convinced you to do that thing you regret."
Taylor Legend Welles"Music Is My Religion [& So Is Psychostick]"
Taylor Legend Welles"Music Is My Religion [& So Is Psychostick]"
Ten96"Hi Mom!"
Terry H.",\^^/ PSYCHOSTICK \^^/,"
That Metal Couple"We came. We listened. We metal'd."
The Brewmaster"I had something cool to say here, but I forgot."
The CB2"Feel the rhythm! Feel the rhyme! Get on up, its bobsled time!"
The Colonel"I just put it in her butt"
The Jöe"Fuck it! We'll do it live!"
The Kevin Über"A step closer to Psychostick is a step closer to effervescent happiness."
The Kochmeister"Can't wait to show up in Borderlands as a badass."
The Meadows"Ash & Kira with 'the J'"
The Meadows"Ash & Kira with 'the J'"
The Spaminator"PCs > Macs"
TheAlmightyGingerOne"Beard Beard Beard Beard Beard Beard Beard Beard Beard Beard Beard Beard"
TheMattimus"Beans Union on 23rd August 2014, Obey The Beard!!"
therealcheese"subdued silence!"
Thomas "IceRoxas" King"I did it for the lulz."
Tirron5635"Fucking Doughnut! You mock me, you fried cyclops!"
Tj Hefferon"I've been immortalized in the psycho way of the stick."
Toby Orachee"Ain't no Christmas like a Psychostick Christmas! (even at summer time)"
Todd 'Gatlen' Stone"Gimme some Sugar Baby...."
Toea"By the power of all that is evil, I command you to awaken and make me a sandwich!"
Tom "Captain Delicious" Perkins"Will there be an option to change these?"
Tom "War Nerve" Miller"Pizza shall destroy you all!"
Tommy J"I don't even own geodude."
Tommy Martino"The Classiest Gentleman Around (ladies)"
Tone Dog"- nerdy since 1984"
Tony The Tiger"They`re GREAT!"
Torque Order"Psychostick Loves Torque Order"
Torque Order"Psychostick Loves Torque Order"
Tracey Pollard"sets fires to feel joy"
Tuck"Hang free, my friends."
Turdy McSmutbags"dum and prowd"
Tyler"love, peace, and beer"
Tyler Effing Hughes"Twilight Sparkle is Best Pony"
Tyler Feyen"Its not about talent, its about applying the skills you learned"
Tyler Jones Himself"Be excellent to each other and party on dudes!"
Tyler Southworth
Tyler T.""But Cyclops in X-men has two eyes!""
Tyler Tapplin"I'm too busy to think of something. My balls itch to much..."
unholy_toast_god"...and hear the lamentations of their women."
vaginal taco thunder destroyer of death"8===D~~~ ( . Y . )"
Vegard Maaø"Æ villa itj, æ fikk itj, æ hadd itj råa, men æ gjor d læll."
Vegard Maaø"Æ villa itj, æ fikk itj, æ hadd itj råa, men æ gjor d læll."
Victor L"Why am I even here?"
Vidas Valdo"Its better to be pissed off,than to be pissed on"
Vinny & Friends"A kick-ass band, Needs a Beard!"
WeirdTheGuy"It hurts to live."
Westicles"It's not real work unless it's re-work!"
Will DeVries"I am a leaf on the wind, watch how I soar."
William Ziolkowski"Teach a man a taco and he becomes a god!"
Willimus Bartimus"Fear The Beard!"
Wiseaxe 2.0"Why kill them with kindness when you can use an axe"
WretchedDoll"Ahoy, and other nautical expressions!"
WYLD SMURF"I am going to smurf your smurf right in that stupid smurf of yours"
Yam D. Yaffe"Screw you guys, I'm going home! (To eat a taco)"
Yodagroper Isaac Kuykendall"Psychostick, the greatest band EVER!! \M/ PLUH!!"
Z Funk"Bad biscuits make the baker broke, bro."
Zac attacka"Psychostick for Download. Pretty please with a taco on top!"
Zack Macomber"Buy my wrestling products! www.headdropproductions.com Psychostick Rules!"
Zander Hall-Spicuzza"Beard for president!"
Zane"This quote is going to be legen... wait for it... dary!"
Zeb The CyClops"Pyromaniac: I get joy from fire no matter what the cause"
Zeph Simpson"More metal than a gammon mustache."
Zert"I took 3 tabs too many!"
Zombräu"Für Helles ist kein Platz mehr!"
Zombräu"Für Helles ist kein Platz mehr!"
Zubix Kjærvik"Beer, Beards and fucking chicken wings."
zukicidal"When all else fails, the beard doesn't."
"You guys are very dumb." - God