Lyrics: Murphy, Key, Dontre, Rzemyk, Kersey
Music: Key, Murphy, Rzemyk

Monster trucks are fucking awesome
Running shit over, that's fuckin' awesome!
Mowing the lawn, that isn't awesome!
Monster trucks that mow the lawn, now THAT'D be awesome

All that shit that's fuckin' awesome, give it to me. Give it to me. All that shit
that isn't awesome you can keep it!

Blow jobs are fucking awesome!
Bubble wrap is sort of awesome!
Staplers, I guess they're awesome...
Clipping shit together, that's productive!

All that shit that's fuckin' awesome, give it to me! Give it to me! All that shit
that's sort of awesome I'm indifferent.

Trampolines direct deposit fighter jets and nachos all AWE-SOME. AWE-SOME.
Acid rain and moldy cheese and waiting in line at the DMV all NOT AWESOME.
Frozen pizza styrofoam and clothes hangers and soap I could take it or leave it
Awesome things are awesome and the things that aren't are not
And that's the way of the land.

That's just the way the world is, man.
Burning alive is NOT awesome.
But waking up to a puppy, that's CUTE and awesome!
Finding a dollar, that's pretty awesome!
Supplemental income YEAH, now we're talking! WINDFALL!

I can't wait to spend my dollar...what should I get? What I get?
99 cent store or dollar menu cheeseburger

All that stuff that's fucking awesome GIVE IT TO ME. I am totally serious I'm not
asking but I'm demanding GIVE IT TO ME. How'd you like it if I strapped you down
and pulled your fingernails out GIVE IT TO ME. All you gotta do to end the pain
is give me awesome stuff so GIVE IT TO ME. Gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme.


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We laughed at the end of Titanic.