Scrotal Torment

In a crowd
With no escape
Is when I feel
My privates wake

I've got to find
Some privacy
Or they will see
Me scratching me

My balls itch!
They're itching, I gotta scratch 'em
Way down low!
My balls are a ball of fire
My balls itch!
They're itching, I gotta scratch 'em
Way down low!
My balls are a ball of fire

Scrotum itching
Leaves me bitching

Can't endure this
Scrotum itching
Leave me bi---

Tension builds
There's got to be
A way to end
My agony
Pockets deep
Where no one sees
I find the keys
To my relief

Fun Fact(s) about "Scrotal Torment"

This song is about the need to scratch your junk in public, but you don't people to see you, BUT YOU WANNA SCRATCH SO BAD

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Jarsh ate a dog made out of frosting and lived.