Ultra Mega Fast

*rumble rumble*

My car is FAST
Your is NOT FAST
Your car is SLOW
My car is NOT SLOW

My car's so fast
Way faster than your car which is not as fast as my car
Your cars sucks, you'll be eaten my dust, because it's
Super ultra, ultra mega, ultra mega fast

SO FAAAAAAAAAAST it's really really fast. Yeah.
It's really really 
Really really really really
Really really really really
Really really really really
Really really really really FAST!

Fast car.

My cars like nerrrrrrrrrrrr
Your cars like *fart*
My cars like brrrrrrrrrrr
Your cars like bbbbbbbbb......

Don't you know it's super

It's super ultra, ultra mega, ultra mega fast
Super ultra, ultra mega, ultra mega fast

My car "yes", you car "no"
My car fast, you car slow.

You've got radiate your carberator
Carberate your regulator
Regulate you alternator
Alternate your radiator

Radiate the incubator
Incubate the alligator
Alligate the indicator
Indicate my car is really cool

Cool car.

My car's like *vroom, vroom*
Your cars like "wah-wah"
My car's all (whooooo!)
Your car's all (boooooo...)

Don't you know it's super
It's super ultra, ultra mega, ultra mega fast
Super ultra, ultra mega, ultra mega fast

*car sounds*
(Fast! Fast!)
Ultra mega fast
(Fast! Fast!)
Ultra mega fast
Super ultra, ultra mega, ultra mega fast
Super duper, duper uber, ultra mega fast

My car "yes", you car "no"
My car fast, you car slow.

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