Cabin Fever Concerts, goin' stronk!

Posted by Rawrb on May 14th 2020, 12:00 AM

Hot damn, you guys are crushin' it. Every live-streamed concert we've done has been absolutely amazing! So much has been happening in our little world that I just can't freakin' EVEN. So I'm gonna come on out swingin' with updates and cool thingie-ding-dings you can snag!

Thingie-ding-dings! Am I talkin' 'bout weiners again? Probably.

So, where to begin.

First off, during our Cabin Fever Concert series, you amazing folks have helped us raise (as of probably later today, har har) about $10,000 for various COVID-19 relief charities! Feels GOOD man. So good. We can't thank you enough! We're gonna keep trekkin' along, doin' our part, so keep on tuning in every Thursday at 4pm Central, 5pm Eastern for more Cabin Fever Concerts!

Also, if you're in the mood for some new swag and other weird stuff, check these out:

Masks! Just launched these. They're limited, so act now or whatever:

Psychostick MASKS!
Cover that shit up, with STYLE.

There's also this "tour" shirt with "tour" dates! Get it! We're so CLEVER.

We also put out a new song called, "Chimichanga!"

Psychostick Chimichanga Song!!

Let's not forget the ol' Original Piss and Piss light shirts! Beer Snob Certified.

And finally, the MEGA MAN boss select shirt. It's pixelicious! Whoo!

Psychostick Mega Man Boss Select!

That's all. Whew. Thanks for all the support! We love you TOO much. Yes, that's right. It's scary love. SCARY.

Is there no end to these jerks?