Indiegogo fundraiser passes $22,000! Webcast! OMG

Posted by Rawrb on November 18th 2013, 3:31 PM

Holy caffeinated shitballs! We've just passed $22,000 for our Indiegogo. We are PANTS EXPLODINGLY HAPPY right now. Thank you guys for ALL the support. We recently added more perks to the fundraiser, so go check 'em out if you're feeling weighed down by money and like stupid heavy music.

On November 21st (Thursday) at 8:00 PM Central, we're having a sweet webcast. We're gonna be talking about the new album a bit, upcoming tours, and the bearded ladies from the "Obey the Beard" video will be in attendance.

Bearded LADIES!
They're probably gonna get us drunk.

This you don't wanna miss. You can see them talk shit to us. Watching Psychostick getting trashed by hotties = priceless. We may or may not become stupid drunk again, hopefully NOT on Malört this time, stupid Terry.

See you there!

We're 10 times as good as you wish we were.