It's time to do our new album announcement.

Posted by Rawrb on June 25th 2018, 12:00 AM

I can't begin to tell you how happy I am to finally be officially announcing our announcement of the new album! *ahem* It's a bit of a big deal for us. For a band, releasing a new album is kind of like having a child except it's twice as messy and our urethras are stretched beyond repair. It's worth it.

Be sure to tune in July 24th, 2018 at 7pm Central at our Twitch channel - - so we can unleash this news upon ye! If you're an avid Twitch user, please hit the follow button on there so you get all the fun Psychostick notifications. We plan to do as much live streaming of our weirdness as possible in the future.

But yeah - NEW ALBUM ANNOUNCEMENT! It's about damn time I say. What YOU say?

A product of boredom and Monty Python.