Psychostick Web Comic?! Is this real life?

Posted by Rawrb on January 20th 2015, 1:00 AM

So sometime last week I was able to finally move all my web comics from Alfredo Afro to Psychostick. As explained in the previous news posting (and on my personal blog thing), this move was purely political and filled with pudding. Political pudding, as the kids call it.

What does this mean for you?

Check back here at and READ THINGS!

There's also that cute little "comics" tab at the top of this page that allows you to read/browse/hyperventilate as you iterate through each and every digital pile of electronic barf I've coughed up over the last few years.

Gonna try to update this thing weekly, then as I suck less and/or less/more, I'll get more out a week.

So laugh, cry, punch - basically choose your own form of expression and feel squishy violent feelings.

Dumb enough to write a Holiday EP.