Quaratined? Let Psychostick help you.

Posted by Rawrb on March 17th 2020, 12:00 AM

Let's talk, people. Let's talk.

First up: Show cancelations. We hate 'em, but they happen. Our March shows have been cancelled, however we plan on making them up as soon as possible. In the meantime, we're gonna be performing LIVE on Twitch, YouTube, and Facebook this Friday, March 20th at 4pm Central to the ENTIRETY OF THE INTERNETWEB! Come on in and drop a few lines of text at us, baby.

Since our shows have been nixxed, things have us scratching our heads in the meantime. We rely on shows to help pay our expenses and keep this Psychostick boat floatin'. Since that's become an issue, we'd greatly appreciate if you could take a gander at our merchandise to see if something tickles your pickle. We have TWO new shirts. TWO! More to come as well! OMFG!

Check 'em.

And, Tube 6 has been delayed a bit. Normally we release it on April 1st, but we have to put it off for quarantine reasons. As soon as we have a release date for TUBE 6, we'll hit you hard with it. So hard.

Also, the music biz is getting hit REALLY hard right now by this quarantinery right now. Please support your favorite band nerds by listening to them on streaming services, buying their merch, and sharing their stuff across social media, etc. We'd greatly appreciate that.

Off I go then!

If Alex became a zombie, we'd be fucked.