We Tubed for April Fool's. You fooled us right back.

Posted by Rawrb on April 7th 2015, 1:00 AM

You are required to listen to this song while you are reading this latest news post. It'll open in a new window, don't worry.

Now that we've established the mood, let us continue on our epic news-drenched journey.

First and foremost, we had ourselves a fun little April Fool's Day thing with this thing called Psychostick: The Tube™:

The crazy thing was, we sold out of ALL of the tubes. Like, within hours. You guys are crazy. All the tubes have been shipped and will arrive it all of their cylindrical glory.

We're also posting some new tour dates for our secretive tour after The Revenge of the Vengeance CD Release Tour: Part 2. There's many more being added, including a few over-the-border dates that I can't talk about OW STOP TASING ME

AAAAND a few new comics since you last almost read the news here!

Coming soon: Psychostick: The Beverage Container!

Welcome to our website. Now DANCE!